The new version of Reeder and Iconfactory’s new Tapestry project are both looking at what it means to be a Universal Timeline. For me, this won’t supplant Reader Classic for my RSS consumption, but it has opened up a possibility for a universal social feed, combining Mastodon and Bluesky. Ideally, a client like Ivory would pick this up, but it’s probably too much to expect of an app that is looking to be the premiere client for a single social network. That’s where Reeder and Tapestry come in.

Reeder is further along with a solid macOS and iOS experience. Tapestry is still in TestFlight and still very much focused on iOS. Both are read-only views into the social networks (which easily covers 90% of my usage) so require some additional workflows when you want to engage (including basic favoriting and boosting, let alone replying). I’ll need to think about what this looks like going forward, but it’s good enough at this point that Reeder’s timeline is my default view into social media going forward.