What with the whole SIP COVID situation, I decided I wanted to be able to noodle on some music ideas and wanted to get my home studio functioning again. Easier said than done.

Turns out my audio interface doesn’t really work anymore, given the company behind it stopped releasing drivers a few years ago (I’m pretty sure they are essentially out of business at this point). So I unexpectedly entered the market for a new audio interface. My current leading candidate is the MOTU M4 but that seems to be sold out everywhere (probably due in no small part to COVID… sigh)

I’m also looking into a new MIDI controller since my old JV-35 has some broken keys. I was eying the Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol s61. I would love to get the full 88 weighted key version, but I’m not sure I can justify the cost.

Sidenote: I’m using this post to debug my netlify cms configuration

prisma.io seems to fail very quickly on even the most basic SQL types. I think if you are doing a project from scratch and you have a very vanilla data model, Prisma might make sense. However trying to pair it with an existing database, you quickly find out where all the assumptions in the abstraction break down.

Decided to go with knex + apollo-server as flexible SQL abstraction and feel it’s just at the right level.

Sidenote: Being forced to deal with a data model I built 17 years ago (and really didn’t know what I was doing) is really trying my patience not to just say “burn it down” – How many people have something still in production they wrote 17 years ago?

Took advantage of the PS Days of Play sale to pick up God of War and Marvel’s Spiderman. Been meaning to play both games for quite a while, so nice that I could pick them both up on sale.

With Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age being released on the Switch, I realized that I never finished it on the PS2 (wow that was a long time ago). I think this will be a very good game to commute with.

I’m holding off replaying FFVII in light of the Remake announcement – I’m excited to play that again as I really don’t remember much about the story other than high level bits and pieces.


A pretty good (but short) yuri story that is getting an anime adaptation this year. At only two volumes, I suspect the adaptation will be a short, but I’m holding out hope that a director will make it a full cour and explore more of the character dynamics that are only implied in the manga.

Pen to Chocolate

Ending felt rushed… Ironic given the subject matter. The first chapter has a very rough translation, but it gets better so don’t let that turn you away.

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. 3rd Season

Well this is a an unexpected surprise! I never thought this day would come!